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Ion Beam Analysis Workshop
January 11, 2024 @ 11:00 am - 12:00 pm

The General Ionex Tandetron gives access to a wide range of thin film and bulk samples analysis. RBS (Rutherford Back Scattering) measures not only elemental composition but also film thicknesses from the nm- to the μm-scale. ERDA (Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis) is one of the rare methods giving access to hydrogen concentration in materials. NRA (Nuclear Reaction Analysis) encompasses a number of methods to obtain the elemental concentration of light elements, as well as isotopic information. Finally, crystalline order and defects can be probed using channeling methods. All these aspects will be introduced and discussed, followed by a visit of the ion beam facilities.
Part 1: An introduction to ion beam analsysis (~30 min) – Sylvie Rangan
Part 2: Practical Applications (~30min) – Hussein Hijazi
Part 3: Demo in NPL (~30min) (limited to 10 on-site participants)
Join Zoom Meeting at: https://rutgers.zoom.us/j/94435281331?pwd=cXRXeWhySFJOb3ZnZGFnSFdRQkR2QT09